BCC Advisers Blog

Valuation matters in liquidation
Lisa Chavez Lisa Chavez

Valuation matters in liquidation

Both financially distressed businesses and buyers considering acquiring a company in bankruptcy require the expertise of an experienced business valuation professional. These experts can help owners make informed decisions about their troubled company’s future and maximize liquidation proceeds. In this article BCC Advisers explains how business valuation professionals can provide buyers with accurate appraisals of distressed businesses and their assets.

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 Valuing health care providers in the age of COVID-19</a>
Lisa Chavez Lisa Chavez

Valuing health care providers in the age of COVID-19

Health care valuations have become particularly challenging during the pandemic. In this article BCC Advisers discusses some of the challenges facing health care and how valuation professionals have adjusted their analyses to cope with market disruptions and uncertainty about the future of this industry. A sidebar highlights a recent increase in cyberattacks targeting health care providers and how investing in measures designed to mitigate financial losses can pay off over the long run.

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