BCC Advisers Blog

Happy Holidays!
Lisa Chavez Lisa Chavez

Happy Holidays!

Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season and a very happy new year, from BCC Advisers and Iowa Appraisal.

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Greater Des Moines Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Day
Lisa Chavez Lisa Chavez

Greater Des Moines Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Day

BCC team members took a break from business transfers and valuations to support our community by volunteering for the Greater Des Moines Habitat for Humanity. Here we share a few photos showing off our alternative skills!

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What the remainder of 2024 has in store for Iowa, global M&A markets
Lisa Chavez Lisa Chavez

What the remainder of 2024 has in store for Iowa, global M&A markets

Tom Cavanagh shares insights gained from advising business owners in the Iowa and Midwest markets, as well as a unique perspective from his firsthand conversations with colleagues from around the world at a recent M&A conference in Thailand. See what he has to say in this Des Moines Business Record interview.

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CPAs Provide Value by Volunteering in Our Communities
Lisa Chavez Lisa Chavez

CPAs Provide Value by Volunteering in Our Communities

Each September, Iowa CPAs are encouraged to volunteer, benefiting the community, fostering teamwork, and promoting the profession. This year, the Iowa Society of CPAs is celebrating their 10th anniversary of ISCPA Month of Service! BCC’s Michelle Hutson, CPA/ABV, ASA (and ISCPA Month of Service Committee Chair) shares her experience with this year’s volunteer theme “Disaster Relief.”

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From uncertainty to opportunity: M&A transitions into 2024
Lisa Chavez Lisa Chavez

From uncertainty to opportunity: M&A transitions into 2024

As we get further into 2024, the M&A environment appears poised for recovery, buoyed by returning confidence and realistic expectations. Baby boomer owners aren’t getting younger, organic growth isn’t getting easier, and private equity firms aren’t receiving less pressure to deploy their funds. While challenges certainly remain, the outlook for M&A is a cautiously optimistic one.

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Limited time opportunity: Take advantage of the expanded unified gift and estate tax exemption
Lisa Chavez Lisa Chavez

Limited time opportunity: Take advantage of the expanded unified gift and estate tax exemption

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act doubled the unified federal gift and estate tax exemption — and inflation has boosted it even further. For individuals who make gifts in 2023 or die in 2023, the unified exemption is $12.92 million (up from $12.06 million for 2022). Unfortunately, this favorable tax law provision is scheduled to expire after 2025, unless Congress extends it. This article explains why it’s time for private business owners to consider transferring ownership to the next generation or their favorite charities.

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What Drives Pricing in Midwest Bank Acquisitions?
Lisa Chavez Lisa Chavez

What Drives Pricing in Midwest Bank Acquisitions?

By Lindy Ireland, Vice President and Shareholder The topic of bank value is a favorite discussion among bankers. If you are like most bankers, you have a sense of the multiples of book value at which banks have recently traded in your area and around the state.

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Business Valuations
Lisa Chavez Lisa Chavez

Business Valuations

BCC Advisers shareholder Matt Fett, CFA, ASA had the opportunity to visit with Bryan Dewhurst and Phillip Ramsey, co-founders of Uncommon Wealth Partners, about business valuations on “The Uncommon Life Podcast.” When do you need a business valuation? Here's where to listen to find out.

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Solving Workforce Shortages via Acquisition
Lisa Chavez Lisa Chavez

Solving Workforce Shortages via Acquisition

The availability of quality workers remains a top challenge facing business owners today. Given the difficulty businesses have keeping their best talent, adding new talent to grow, or simply satisfying current demand, we are seeing more companies pursuing acquisitions for the labor pool and talent. This spans all industries and can be an excellent solution.

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Employee Ownership Month – Where Did it Come From?
Lisa Chavez Lisa Chavez

Employee Ownership Month – Where Did it Come From?

Did you know October is Employee Ownership Month? It’s a month-long celebration of ESOPs (Employee Stock Ownership Plans) and the benefits employee ownership provides to employees, companies, local communities, and the nation. Here’s how it got started…

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 How to factor cybersecurity concerns into a business valuation</a>
Lisa Chavez Lisa Chavez

How to factor cybersecurity concerns into a business valuation

It’s critical for business valuation professionals to assess cyber risks when valuing a business. In this article BCC Advisers highlights the far-reaching effects of cyberattacks, frameworks that experts use to evaluate cyber risks and ways these risks may be factored into an expert’s conclusion.

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 Strategic M&amp;A due diligence should look to the future</a>
Lisa Chavez Lisa Chavez

Strategic M&A due diligence should look to the future

The business world has changed dramatically over the last two years. When buying a business, it’s imperative to evaluate its expected future performance, rather than focus on its historical results. In this article BCC explains how strategic due diligence can help vet an acquisition’s potential success or failure by concentrating on four key areas: the market, customers, competitive positioning and management.

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Discounting majority interests - Tax Court tackles valuation of real estate LLCs
Lisa Chavez Lisa Chavez

Discounting majority interests - Tax Court tackles valuation of real estate LLCs

A recent U.S. Tax Court case addressed the valuation of majority interests in five real estate holding companies for estate tax purposes. Estate of Warne involved several valuation issues. Perhaps most significantly, the court held that, when a 100% interest is split for purposes of charitable contribution, its full value is includable in the taxable estate. But the estate’s charitable deduction is limited to the discounted values of the fractional interests received by the charities.

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Maginnis v. Maginnis - Court addresses apportionment of goodwill in divorce
Lisa Chavez Lisa Chavez

Maginnis v. Maginnis - Court addresses apportionment of goodwill in divorce

A question that often arises in divorces cases is: To what extent should goodwill be included in the marital estate? The treatment of goodwill varies from state to state. In some situations, it may be necessary to consider legal precedent from other states for guidance. In this article BCC Advisers summarizes a recent appellate court case from Kentucky that addresses this issue.

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